Quelle:www.greenbiz.com/article/what-makes-sustainable-product-0 (23.02.2018; 18:43)



Although it seems like a sisiphyus-kind-of-work to end the life-cycle from the mining industries because the mining industry is one of the largest industry in the world. But there are possibilities for everyone of us to make a little change in the exploiting system! 

As you know the beach is made of small stones. 

The list begins with some easy, small steps that everyone of us can do. 


1. Talk!

Start a small conversation about the mining industry with your friends. Do they know about you just read here on our website. Maybe they want to have a look at our website too.


2. Ask! 

When you buy a new product ask in the shop from where the iron comes from. This is one of the. most important points with which can make a chance. Imagine yourself if from now on all of the customers will ask where their raw material from their products come form and if they were produced in a sustainable. The companies would experience a lot of pressure and would have a show their life-cycle. A huge factor that the mining industry can violent the human rights is because nobody knows and protest.  


3.Inform yourself! 

 Inform yourself about what happens in the mining industry. Look for it in the internet, read books or watch documnetaries.  A variety of movies we collected in „Inspiration“ for you. 


4. Buy second-Hand! 

Wie every new product you buy, someone else had to go into the mine to get the mineral. You can try to reuse products and not to buy new ones. Maybe you don´t need the latest Smartphone, if you can try the second hand version from the year before. Remember:Material s don´t make you happy. 


5. Don´t buy unnecessary new products if you don´t need them. Just as easy as it is. 


6. Buy fair! 

In the internet you find a lot of sustainable products from fair-mining. For example the Fairphone is a product which is produced entirely from fair metals. Sadly it is one of the only electronic product on the market. Jewelry, marriage rings and a lot more is very handy to order from the internet. Huge products like a car is impossible to get from fair mining but check our previous points. Buy it second hand, ask in the shop when you buy or just don´t buy it.


7. Protest and make a change! 

You can participate in your local greenpeace Group or initiatives. Start petitions, protest actions, inform you community. Make everything possible to put pressure on the mining companies. Just start…it is not as difficult as it seems. 

Some Products:

Quelle: https://shop.fairphone.com/de/fairphone2-kaufen-2/ (23.02.2018; 18:45)

JEM                                Jewellery Ethically  Mined

Quelle: www.jem-paris.com/en (23.02.18;18:45)

About us

Hello out there! 

We are Leo, Caro, Olga and Laura, a group of students working in a seminar on the consequences of mining in Brazil together with students from Brazil

To raise awareness not only about the consequences of mining in Brazil but in the whole world, we started our blog with important information and tips and tricks how YOU can do something against it ;)

Help us in spreading our blog and if you get one of our stickers please send us a pic of you with our sticker to broaden our “Spread the world” – Map!

Enjoy and learn ;)


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